The model system is set up for the time space 1955-95 with special emphasis on the catchment of the river Elbe. A high resolution atmospheric dataset is obtained through dynamical downscaling from the NCEP reanalyses, using a newly developped spectral nudging technique. The regionalized wind and precipitation fields provide the input data for the atmospheric transport and deposition model TUBES. Spatially diaggregated lead emissions are estimated mainly from the sale statistics of gasoline.
So far, a pilot simulation for 3 months has demonstrated the utility and power of the proposed modelling strategy. The regulations and the resulting impacts on the traffic-related emissions of lead have been analysed. Time series of concentrations in the atmosphere and in fluvial sediments have been collected and analysed. As expected, the lead regulations positively affected the lead concentrations in the environment. Lead concentrations not only declined in the atmosphere and in the sediments, but also in organisms, such as plants and human beings.