Session 5 Meso-and regional-scale modeling

Monday, 10 January 2000: 3:30 PM-5:45 PM
Host: 11th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air and Waste Management Association
Robert J. Kurzeja, Westinghouse Savannah River Co., Savannah River Technology Center, Aiken, SC

3:30 PM
Sessions end for the day

3:45 PM
A real-time atmospheric dispersion modeling system
John S. Nasstrom, LLNL, Livermore, CA; and G. Sugiyama, J. M. Leone Jr., and D. L. Ermak

4:00 PM
Mesoscale Modeling with MM5 for the PATH Study (Pollutants in the Atmosphere and their Transport over Hong Kong)
William L. Physick, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Aspendale, Vic., Australia; and J. A. Noonan

4:15 PM
Application of the SARMAP air quality model (SAQM) to the modelling of air pollution in Hong Kong for the PATH study.
Martin E. Cope, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Aspendale, Vic., Australia; and M. Burgers and M. Olliff

4:30 PM
Numerical simulation of meteorology for the July 26-30, 1990 ozone episode in the San Joaquin Valley
Saffet Tanrikulu, California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA; and K. Gurer and A. J. Ranzieri

4:45 PM
A Shallow Convection Scheme for 3-D Regional Scale Air-Quality Applications
Aijun Deng, Penn State Univ., University Park, PA; and N. Seaman and A. Lario-Gibbs

5:01 PM
Trans-Pacific Yellow Sand and Trace Gas Transport in April 1998
Itsushi Uno, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics/Kyushu Univ., Kasuga, Fukuoka, Japan; and S. Emori and S. Sugata

5:31 PM
Reconstruction of Lead (Pb) Fluxes in Europe during 1955-1995 and Evaluation of Gasoline Lead-Content Regulations
Hans von Storch, Institute of Hydrophysics/GKSS Research Centre, Geesthacht, Germany; and M. Costa-Cabral, F. Feser, and C. Hagner

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner