Tuesday, 11 January 2000: 8:45 AM
During the Southern Great Plains 1997 (SGP97) Hydrology Experiment, a tethersonde system was deployed at DOE's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement/Cloud and Radiation Testbed (ARM/CART) Central Facility. Additional measurements included several surface flux stations at the Central Facility and radiosondes at the ARM/CART Central and
Boundary Facilities. Combined, these data support an examination of boundary layer structure and the process of entrainment during the morning transition. Based on surface
flux data, we find an entrainment parameter consistent with
that obtained in previous studies. We also find that the entrainment parameter exhibits a considerable diurnal cycle,
presumably related to the interplay between buoyant and shear production of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) near
the entrainment zone. The observed boundary layer structure and entrainment parameters will be compared
to model results obtained using MM5 with a 1.5-order
turbulence closure scheme and a watershed-scale
land surface parameterization (TOPLATS).