Thursday, 13 January 2000: 2:15 PM
Sam F. Iacobellis, SIO, La Jolla, CA; and R. C. J. Somerville and D. E. Lane
We have developed a single-column model (SCM) to
investigate the sensitivity of cloud-radiation
interactions to the choice of cloud and cumulus
convection parameterizations. The SCM is a
diagnostic model resembling a single vertical
column of a 3-dimensional general circulation model
(GCM). The SCM includes physical parameterizations
that are currently used in modern GCMs. Due to
the one-dimensionality of the SCM, the horizontal
advection of heat, moisture and momentum are
supplied to the model from either observations
or 3-dimensional numerical analyses. The SCM
results presented in this paper were produced
using horizontal advective terms derived from
observations taken at the Atmospheric Radiation
Measurement (ARM) Program's Southern Great
Plains (SGP) site.
Model results from the SCM control simulation compare
reasonably well with the ARM SGP observations. The
sensitivity of the modeled cloud fields and the
surface and TOA radiative flux budget to various
cloud parameterizations will be examined. The cloud
parameterizations differ with regard to the inclusion
of cloud liquid water as an interactive variable, the
specification of the effective cloud droplet radius,
and the parameterization of the cloud optical properties
(both solar and terrestrial). During periods of
convective activity, the experiments are carried out
using alternative cumulus convection parameterizations.
The effect of the cumulus parameterization on the modeled
cloud fields and the radiative flux budget will also
be discussed.

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