A series of idealized hurricane experiments were carried out using the GFDL Hurricane Prediction System coupled to a 1/5 degree resolution regional version of the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). For each of a series of 72-hr experiments, a specified initial storm disturbance was placed in an idealized basic state consisting of a uniform easterly flow of 5 m/sec. The initial SST, atmospheric lapse rate, and atmospheric moisture conditions for the experiments were derived from long simulations of a global climate model. Separate experiments were run for atmosphere and ocean environmental conditions from each of six tropical storm basins for both control and high CO2 forcing conditions. The ocean thermal stratifications for the control cases were based on observed (GDEM) climatologies. For the high CO2 cases, a slight increase in upper ocean stratification was included, based on the global climate model simulations.
Preliminary results confirm that a CO2 warming-induced intensification still occurs even when the hurricane/ocean coupling effects are included. However, a larger ensemble of experiments appears to be necessary to quantify how the hurricane/ocean coupling effects the degree of CO2 warming-induced intensification. These experiments are now in progress, and results will be reported at the meeting.