We formed two different resolutions of climate change scenarios from the control and doubled CO2 equilibrium experiments of a general circulation model (the Australian CSIRO model) and from experiments with a regional climate model (RegCM2) that was driven by the boundary conditions from the CSIRO model. We then used these scenarios to drive a number of crop models that represented the major crops produced in the southeastern US (wheat, corn, rice, sorghum, soybean, cotton). We ran three different cases for each climate change scenario: 1) climate change only; 2) climate change plus direct CO2 effect; 3) case 2 plus management adaptations (e.g., changed cultivars and planting dates).
We found that significantly different changes in yield resulted from the two different scenarios, when calculated on the common 50 km grid of the regional climate model, for all three cases. In the climate change only case for most crops, yield decreased for the two scenarios, but decreases were greater when determined from the regional climate scenario. Simulated cotton yields, however, increased for both scenarios. We then aggregated the yield results to the economic units (usually states) required for use in the Agricultural Sector Model (ASM), and found that for some states the significantly different results persisted. We will also report on the results from the application of these yield changes to the ASM.