Scenarios for future climate suggest that changes in temperature and precipitation will raise snow lines and cause snow to melt earlier in the year. Thus, the annual cycle of the water supply and the annual flow amount are expected to change. Similar, albeit probably smaller, changes have been noted on decade-to-decade time scales as a result of PDO climate variations. Such changes in snowpack and summer water supply would cause drought stress in forests, possibly leading to extensive and permanent reductions in forested area, and spawning and rearing difficulties for salmon (in addition to the difficulties posed by rising water temperatures). Winter landslides and flooding could also become more frequent.
For humans, the consequences of climate change extend beyond the abovementioned direct effects on natural resources. Reductions in summer water supply would increase stress on managed watersheds due to unavoidable conflicts among water supply for irrigation and urban uses, instream flow, recreation, hydropower, and other uses that rely on storage of winter snowpack. The effects of increasing regional population are expected to exacerbate conflicts over declining water supplies.