Thursday, 13 January 2000
We present a statistical modelling of wind velocity increments for turbulent data
measured in the atmospheric surface layer above the Amazonian forest, in a micrometeorological
tower built at the Amazonian Forest Rebio-Jaru Reserve (10 04' S; 61 56' W) during the LBA
(Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere in Amazonia) wet season campaign. The data were measured by
a 3D Campbell sonic anemometer at a sampling rate of 60 Hz and at a height of 67 m (the forest
canopy has a mean height of 35 m; howover, some of the higher tree branches have a height of
45 m). . The goal of this investigation is to detect non extensivity property of the turbulent
field in such a peculiar environment. To do this we calculate the probability density function
(PDF) for wind velocity increments Vr(x)=V(x)-V(x+r) at different length scales r. The
preliminary results show some evidence that the nonextensive thermostatistics modelling
proposed by Tsallis [1] provides a new and simple framework for explaining the statistical
behavior of fully developed turbulence. We also to investigate the relationship between
intermittency and nonextensivity by means of one single parameter q, from Tsallis
1. Tsallis, C. Possible generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics. Journal of Statistical Physics,v. 52, n. 1-2, 1988.
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner