* Services of an Industrial Liaison Officer, who provides a single contact point for the companys activities at MIT, and who is highly knowledgeable about the companys needs and interests, and corresponding activities at MIT
* In-depth insight into the research activities in MITs departments, laboratories, and centers; visits to campus are arranged for company representatives, and visits to company sites are made by MIT faculty
* Access to ILP publications, databases, and conferences, which serve to update the company on novel technology development and opinion trends being affected by MIT in its role as one of the worlds leading research universities
* The opportunity to develop relationships with other companies in the ILP, via conferences and other interactions, which can lead to new business alliances and technology exchange opportunities
* Access to students for recruitment as well as summer internships.
This presentation will describe the MIT Industrial Liaison Program in depth, and cite specific examples where companies in the earth and atmospheric sciences have benefited from this unique university-industry partnership.