Apart form the Nile valley and the northern coast of Egypt is Desert. The northern coastal region experiences precipitation mainly during winter. This paper investigates the variability of wintertime (December, January and February)precipitation in North Egypt in the 39-yr interval 1961-1999 and its relationship with the North Atlanic Oscillation during autumn and winter. We have used the time series formed of winter season ranked precipitation to study the variability. Also, the correlation coefficient technique used to study the relationship between precipitation and North Atlantic Oscillation. The variability of the precipitation has varied dramatically from winter to winter during the period of study, particularly at Alexandria. Moreover, the dramatic variability in Alexandria may come from the specific location, generating a local circulation. A highly significant significant and positive correlation is found between wintertime precipitation variability in the northern coast of Egypt and the North Atlantic Oscillation for winter rather than in autumn for El Salum, Matruh and Port Said.