Tuesday, 15 January 2002: 8:30 AM
An overview of the education and outreach program at UCAR
Over several decades, education and outreach programs have been developed by dedicated staff within UCAR, NCAR, and UOP to disseminate information about the atmospheric and related sciences to students in K-12, undergraduate, and graduate schools, to post doctorates, and to the general public. Educational tours and exhibits are the hallmark of public outreach at the Mesa Laboratory, reaching tens of thousands of people every year and receiving the Institution's baseline support on an on-going basis. Specific programs with unique missions and audiences, such as ASP, COMET, DLESE, LEARN, Windows to the Universe, and SOARS, have also significantly contributed to educational resources, training opportunities, and tools available to support the academic community from the elementary school level through professional training. In July of 2000, UCAR initiated a strategic planning process to develop a unified education and outreach plan for the institution as a whole, spanning the interests of UCAR, NCAR, and UOP, and the university community served by our institution. A series of strategic planning meetings were initiated in order to develop a mission, vision, and set of values for our integrated education and outreach effort, as well as to set specific goals and objectives by which the mission, vision, and values will be realized. This presentation will highlight aspects of our new education and outreach strategic plan, and will highlight new and on-going components of our education and outreach program.
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