To help address this question, ensembles of "twin" predictability experiments were carried out with the NASA/GLA AGCM using specified annual cycle SSTs. This model was chosen due to its relatively realistic MJO representation. Initial conditions were taken from a 10-year control simulation during periods of strong MJO activity identified via extended EOF analysis of bandpassed tropical rainfall. From this analysis, 15 cases were chosen when the MJO convective area was located in the Indian Ocean, Maritime continent, western Pacific Ocean, and central Pacific Ocean, respectively, making 60 cases in total. In addition, 15 cases were selected which exhibited very little to no MJO activity. Two different sets of small random perturbations were added to these 75 initial states. Simulations were then performed for 90 days from each of these 150 perturbed initial conditions. A measure of potential predictability was constructed based on VP200 and rainfall data. Analysis of this measure indicates that useful predictability for this model’s MJO extends out to at least 20-25 days, somewhat longer (shorter) for VP200 (rainfall). The predictability measure shows some modest dependence on the longitudinal location of the convection. In addition, the predictability during periods of weak MJO activity is significantly diminished. Ongoing work, to be presented at the conference, involves examining the dependence of this result on initial condition perturbation size/structure, season, mid-latitude activity, and ENSO conditions, as well as its implications for mid-latitude weather and short-term climate predictability.
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