Wednesday, 16 January 2002
Toward assimilation of cloud fields from radar data into mesoscale models
This work explores the feasibility of variational assimilation of radar data
to improve the forecast of a mesoscale model.
The model is heritage of the CSU
Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS)
and has full coupling between all relevant atmospheric processes-
dynamical, microphysical and radiative.
The model is used to simulate an ice cloud, and
results are found to be sensitive to the choice of
large-scale forcing. The adjont of the Cloud Resolving Model
is used to understand model response
to variation in specified inputs, such as initial and boundary conditions.
Synthetic radar reflectivity observations are used to
test the feasibility of
variational data assimilation using boundary
conditions (BC) as control variable.
Radar reflectivity is computed from the simulated
cloud fields introducing a radar observational operator.
The model is then run with perturbed BCs, producing a
cloud field different from the original. A four--dimensional variational system
is used to recover ``true'' BCs. Experiments show that the
assimilation system is successful in this attempt.
A consequence
of these experiments is
that assimilation of cloud radar data is feasible and has,
in principle, the potential to ``correct'' the model forecast.
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