For the weather risk community, none of the existing network data may be ideal, but there may be an optimal solution related to establishing a CRN for urban areas CRN (CRN-U). Such a network could leverage off the benchmark quality of the observations of the CRN, the security of both the ASOS and CRN station data, the real-time delivery of data from ASOS and the CRN, but be representative of those in areas where people live, like many stations in the Co-op network. Such a network could be deployed quickly, but one obstacle would remain. It would be important to develop a historical data set at each site that could be available to develop weather risk assessments. Analysis shows that for cumulative statistics, like heating and cooling degree days, this is likely to be achieved with high accuracy by using nearby Co-op and ASOS stations after a suitable period of overlapping observations (one to two years).
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