2002 Annual

Thursday, 17 January 2002: 2:15 PM
Dissemination of Weather Graphics at NWS Corpus Christi
Andrew R. Patrick, NOAA/NWS, Corpus Christi, TX; and K. Graham and J. M. Coyne
As part of its Strategic Plan, the National Weather Service (NWS) is embarking on a new era of graphical weather forecasts. Many customers rely on NWS Internet sites to provide long term and short term weather information. In response to this crucial element of the Strategic Plan, NWS Corpus Christi has developed and implemented a plan to provide clear, concise graphical forecast information. First, prior to development of AWIPS applications to disseminate weather information on the Internet, NWS Corpus Christi consulted with its customers to determine the type and format of Internet-based weather products. Second, through the use of an AWIPS local application and Internet scripting, forecast graphics were developed to provide clear, concise, customer-driven information. Finally, these graphics were posted at the NWS Corpus Christi Internet site. Besides basic forecast graphics for public and marine forecasts, NWS Corpus Christi has developed its “Weather to Go!” page. This printable Internet page provides a seven day forecast for a city in NWS Corpus Christi’s forecast area, a traveler’s forecast, and an abbreviated marine forecast. Moreover, this page provides many of the essential elements required by NWS Corpus Christi’s customers. This approach, including local AWIPS applications that assist in producing the “Weather TO Go” Internet page, can be further customized using the forecast database produced by IFPS.

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