2002 Annual

Tuesday, 15 January 2002: 10:45 AM
Flash Flood Monitoring and Prediction Version 2.0: Continued AWIPS Modernization
M. Thomas Filiaggi, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and S. B. Smith, M. Churma, L. Xin, and M. Glaudemans
Poster PDF (233.2 kB)
The Flash Flood Monitoring and Prediction (FFMP) system is an integrated suite of applications which detects, analyzes, and monitors precipitation as well as automatically generates short-term warning guidance for flash flooding. FFMP, a component of AWIPS, will provide forecasters with accurate, timely, and consistent guidance and supplement forecaster event monitoring with automated event monitoring. Intended benefits, such as longer lead times on warned events, fewer missed events, increased forecaster situational awareness, and reduced forecaster fatigue during busy warning situations, can be realized more effectively with continued enhancements to existing technology. FFMP Version 2.0 is a considerable step above Version 1.0. Its data processing is enhanced by improved spatial resolution (2 sq. mi. drainage basins), temporal resolution (radar volume scan time increments), increased user-controlled flexibility, and reduced computer processor usage. Several NOAA agencies have collaborated to produce a tool in AWIPS that could become a standard in flash flood monitoring and prediction.

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