The MD8 software provides participants with the tools to maintain a relational meta-database. The directory content is shared among the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) International Directory Network (IDN) partners. The GCMD serves as the American Coordinating node and is responsible for the IDN's software development. The GCMD also maintains the science keywords and controlled vocabulary.
Other international CEOS partners participate by providing content or by running "distributed nodes" of the directory. The metadata in each participating node's database is then automatically propagated throughout the IDN network.
Most encouraging has been the interest by other organizations who wish to use the directory to reference their data sets - providing their own data citation and access information. These organizations can participate as distributed nodes, use the JAVA-based MD8 client software for input, or simply participate as an individual by using the GCMD's authoring tools. The inner workings of the distributed system will be presented, along with the use of the JAVA-based MD8 client software.
The Directory Interchange Format (DIF) describes the content of the data sets and will be compliant with the new ISO 19115 standard for metadata. The standard for exchange of content among nodes is the Extensible Markup Language (XML).
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