2002 Annual

Tuesday, 15 January 2002: 11:45 AM
Site Specific Hydrologic Modeling and Forecasting at National Weather Service Weather Forecast Offices
Larry E. Brazil, Riverside Technology, Inc., Fort Collins, CO; and M. Thiemann and G. F. Smith
Poster PDF (192.3 kB)
The National Weather Service is investigating options for developing capabilities for Weather Forecast Offices to perform hydrologic simulations for areas linked to hydrologic conditions maintained at River Forecast Centers. The system under consideration is the FloodWatch system installed recently for Washoe County, Nevada. FloodWatch uses real-time precipitation, temperature, and streamflow observations to produce streamflow forecasts at specified locations within a basin. The main models used in FloodWatch as developed for Washoe County include a Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC-SMA) model and Snowpack model. Incorporation of the Snowpack model was important due to the heavy influence of snowmelt processes on runoff during the winter and spring seasons. FloodWatch includes functionality for Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting. Through a Graphical User Interface, users are able to input future precipitation estimates when forecasting streamflows. This version of FloodWatch also provides a GUI that enables the user to update snow water equivalent (SWE) values in the Snowpack model based on Snotel observations. This paper will describe the current status of FloodWatch systems and possibilities for implementation on a larger scale.

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