12th Symposium on Education5.4
Assessing the value of multimedia to learning in survey-level atmospheric science courses
Perry Samson, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
![](/ams/annual2003/12edu/papers/viewimage.cgi?image=0&RecordType=Paper&Recordid=50075&Hash=074e9d7574de06c4f34f9bfe1c966db2) |
Figure 1. Example of multimedia activity used to aid exploration of relationship
between temperature, dew point, relative humidity, vapor pressure and saturation
vapor pressure. |
One of the challenges for faculty in deciding whether to invest their time and
energy in multimedia supplements has been the lack of evidence that these products
significantly aid learning. To explore the value of supplements in a survey-level
course students in AOSS 202 (http://www.engin.umich.edu/class/aoss202/)
have been asked to complete a questionnaire after each assignment utilizing multimedia
applications. These assessments, compiled over a three year period, suggest that
1) such supplements can play a significant and useful role in aiding student understanding
and 2) the value of the supplement can be enhanced through some simple rules.
Students' self-assessment indicates improvement in their confidence in understanding
relatively complex issues through manipulable multimedia tools. Moreover, their
confidence is especially enhanced when the multimedia is first demonstrated in
class prior to their out-of-class assignment. Surprisingly, presentation of the
supporting concepts prior to the assignment was less influential in student understanding
than was a clear introduction of how to use the tool, suggesting that learning
through discovery was at least as important as formal presentation.
Session 5, University Educational Initiatives
Tuesday, 11 February 2003, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
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