12th Symposium on Education


New approaches to meteorology education: the 2002 COMET Workshop for University Faculty

Douglas Yarger, Iowa State University, Ames, IA; and B. Wilson, G. Byrd, P. Parrish, and J. Lamos

The Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education & Training (COMET) hosted a workshop titled "New Approaches to Meteorology Education Course for University Faculty" 12-16 August 2002 in Boulder, Colorado. The goal for this workshop was to help faculty in undergraduate meteorology programs create more effective learning environments through the innovative use of technology and instructional strategies. This workshop used thermodynamics as the working subject. Topics that were addressed included how students learn, how to demonstrate learning, establishing course goals and choosing instructional media. The faculty used contemporary pedagogies to create group projects that will serve as pilot versions of innovative approaches to helping students understand principles of atmospheric thermodynamics. This workshop will be discussed in terms of possible models for restructuring undergraduate science courses.

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Session 5, University Educational Initiatives
Tuesday, 11 February 2003, 1:30 PM-3:00 PM

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