12th Symposium on Education


Plans of Action: Enhancing Public Awareness of Meteorology Though Local Weather Education Resource Teachers

Steve M. Carlson, AERA and Hermiston School District, Hermiston, OR

Drs. Geer ,Weinbeck, Smith and Moran along with the National Science Foundation, the National Weather Service and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration have evolved a program in weather and oceanographic education that ends with a Plan of Action by teachers taking their courses. These plans of action are essential to enhancing public awareness of meteorology and oceanography in the local area. As the Local Implementation Leader for the Datastreme project in Oregon, my intention is to share the type, effectiveness and implementation of several of my students Plans of Action. This presentation will showcase the relationship between the Plans of Action prepared for the Datastreme class and the national, state and local teaching standards. It will also show how local weather education teachers have enhanced community understanding of meteorology & oceanography across the State of Oregon.

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Poster Session 1, Poster Session: K-12, Popular and University Educational Initiatives
Sunday, 9 February 2003, 5:30 PM-7:00 PM

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