Warning Decision Support System�Integrated Information (WDSS-II). Part II: Real-time test at Jackson Mississippi NWSFO
Gregory J. Stumpf, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma and NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and T. M. Smith, K. L. Manross, and A. E. Gerard
The NSSL Warning Decision Support System - Integrated Information (WDSS-II) has provided an invaluable development environment to facilitate the development of many new multiple-sensor severe weather applications. In just the past year (2002), NSSL has developed a variety of new algorithms, including multiple-radar versions of the Storm Cell Identification and Tracking (SCIT) algorithm, the Hail Detection Algorithm (HDA), the Mesocyclone Detection Algorithm (MDA) and the Tornado Detection Algorithm (TDA). NSSL has also developed a variety of new severe weather applications including a two-dimensional hail swath algorithm. The display portion of the WDSSII, known as 'w2' has undergone some significant upgrades in the past year. The 'w2' displays multiple-source data in time-synchronized earth-centric three-dimensional coordinate system and is also user-configurable.
The results of testing of the WDSS-II in an operational setting at the NWS Forecast Office at Jackson Mississippi, where four level-II WSR-88D data streams are available for operations, will be shown. We have evaluated the operational utility of the new severe weather algorithms and the new display tools in a proof-of-concept test setting. These new concepts will continue to be tested to determine whether they will be included in future operational National Weather Service systems that help guide and manage the severe weather warning decision making process.
Poster Session 1, 19th IIPS Poster Session
Monday, 10 February 2003, 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
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