Joint Poster Session 2 |
| Instrumentation and Remote Sensing (Joint with the Symposium on Observing and Understanding the Variability of Water in Weather and Climate and the 17th Conference on Hydrology) |
| Organizer: David N. Whiteman, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD
| | JP2.1 | NOAA/NWS Updated Precipitation Frequencies for the Semiarid Southwest United States Deborah Todd, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and G. Bonnin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M. Yekta, D. Riley, and E. Raynault |
| | JP2.2 | NOAA/NWS Updated Precipitation Frequencies for the Ohio River Basin And Surrounding States Eloisa Raynault, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and G. Bonnin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M. Yekta, D. Riley, and D. Todd |
| | JP2.3 | Ground-based Measurements of Middle Atmospheric Water Vapour at Bern, Switzerland Beat Deuber, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; and D. G. Feist and N. Kämpfer |
| | JP2.4 | Snowboards for National Weather Service Snowfall Measurements Robert J. Leffler, NOAA/NWS, Silver Spring, MD; and B. E. Mayes, R. E. Livezey, and A. Horvitz |
| | JP2.5 | The challenges of accurate snowfall density forecasts: Implications for observing strategies, snowfall predictions, and future research efforts David M. Schultz, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and P. J. Roebber, S. L. Bruening, E. Ware, and H. E. Brooks |
| | JP2.6 | Recent advances in the use of mm-wavelength radars for cloud and precipitation research Pavlos Kollias, Univ. of Miami, Miami, FL; and B. A. Albrecht, S. Fritz, and I. Jo |
| | JP2.8 | Water balance computations of seasonal changes in terrestrial water storage for major Eurasian river basins Martin Hirschi, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland; and S. I. Seneviratne, P. Viterbo, D. Luethi, and C. Schaer |
| | JP2.9 | Lidar characterizations of water vapor measurements over the ARM SGP Site Richard A. Ferrare, NASA/LRC, Hampton, VA; and E. V. Browell, S. Ismail, J. Barrick, G. Diskin, S. Kooi, L. H. Brasseur, V. G. Brackett, M. Clayton, B. Lesht, L. Miloshevich, J. Podolske, F. Schmidlin, D. D. Turner, and D. Whiteman |
| | JP2.10 | Comparing TRMM rain characteristics and lightning in West Africa for a La Nina year (1999) verses and El Nino Year (2002) Gregory S. Jenkins, Penn State University, University Park, PA |
| | JP2.11 | Analysis of rainfall rates for West Africa using satellite observations and the NCEP RSM Andrea M. Sealy, Howard University, Washington, DC; and E. Joseph |
| | JP2.12 | Cloud-to-ground lightning and surface rainfall during the Great Flood of 1993 Nicole M. Kempf, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ and NOAA/NWS, Tulsa, OK; and E. P. Krider |
| | JP2.13 | An ICOS-based instrument for in-situ measurement of water vapor and its isotopic composition in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere E. J. Moyer, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; and J. B. Paul, G. S. Engel, F. N. Keutsch, L. Lapson, D. Sayres, and J. G. Anderson |
| | JP2.14 | A LEO-LEO Occultation Observing System for Characterizing Atmospheric Humidity, Clouds, Temperature, Geopotential, and Ozone E. R. Kursinski, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and D. Feng, D. E. Flittner, G. Hajj, B. Herman, F. Romberg, S. Syndergaard, D. Ward, and T. Yunck |
|  | JP2.15 | Satellite Derived Convective Cloud-Top Heights using NOGAPS data Robert H. Wade, SAIC, Monterey, CA; and S. D. Miller |
| | JP2.16 | Water vapor characterisation over Oklahoma during AFWEX 2000 using DIAL (Formerly Paper P2.9 in the Global Change and Climate Variations Program) Andrea Lammert, Max-Planck-Istitute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany; and J. Boesenberg, H. Linne, and K. Ertel |