|  | P1.10 | The Indication of the decreasing temperature based on Oxygen isotope in Coral Porites.sp from Maudulung-sumba, Indonesia Sri Yudawati Cahyarini, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Research Centre for Geotechnology, Indonesia, Jawa Barat, Indonesia; and W. Hantoro, E. Yulianto, and B. Suwargadi |
| | P1.11 | Seasonal radiation balance of Africa Donald P. Garber, NASA/LRC, Hampton, VA; and G. L. Smith and T. Wong |
| | P1.12 | Using mean flow change as a proxy to infer inter-decadal storm track variability Edmund K. M. Chang, Stony Brook University, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY |
| | P1.13 | Validation and Diagnosis of AMIP II Land-surface Simulations Thomas J. Phillips, LLNL, Livermore, CA; and A. Henderson-Sellers, P. Irannejad, K. McGuffie, S. Sharmeen, and H. Zhang |
| | P1.14 | Long term climatological changes in fog intensity and coverage Michael R. Witiw, Terabeam Corporation, Redmond, WA; and J. A. Baars |
| | P1.15 | A Comparison of the Weather in U.S. Cities During the 1983–'84 and 1998–'99 La Nina's Heather L. Honnette, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD; and D. R. Smith |
| | P1.16 | Paper moved to Poster Session 2, new paper number P2.30
| | P1.17 | Analysis of diurnal and seasonal cycles in climatic trends for records with changes of observation times Konstantin Y. Vinnikov, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and A. Robock and A. Basist |
| | P1.18 | Comparisons of the NCEP AMIP II integration(s) and the NCEP reanalysis J. J. Hnilo, LLNL, Livermore, CA; and J. R. Christy |
| | P1.19 | Conceptual modeling of the climatic role of airborne mineral dust Karen M. Shell, SIO/Univ. of California, La Jolla, CA; and R. C. J. Somerville |
| | P1.20 | Decadal changes in summertime typhoon track Joo-Hong Kim, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; and C. H. Ho, J. J. Baik, D. Y. Gong, and C. H. Sui |
| | P1.21 | Decadal Variability of the Bio-Climate Feedbacks in the Tropics Raghu Murtugudde, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and J. Ballabrera, J. Christian, J. Beauchamp, and A. J. Busalacchi |
| | P1.22 | Ensemble simulations of Asian-Australian monsoon anomalies during 1997–1998 El Nino by 11 AGCMs Bin Wang, IPRC University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI; and I. S. Kang and J. Y. Lee |
| | P1.23 | Evaluation of the Entraining-Detraining Plume Model applied to the cumulus parameterization of the large-scale model Jung-Hee Ryu, Penn State University, University Park, PA; and J. B. Ahn and J. H. Oh |
| | P1.24 | Assessment of Forcing Data Derived from ECMWF Model for SCMs at the ARM SGP Site Shaocheng Xie, LLNL, Livermore, CA; and R. T. Cederwall, J. J. Yio, and M. Zhang |
| | P1.25 | Expanded Pre-1948 Digital Hourly Database Mark Seiderman, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and R. Heim, R. Truesdell, and D. Graybeal |
| | P1.26 | Factors affecting the latitudinal location of the intertropical convergence zone in a GCM Winston Chao, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and B. Chen |
| | P1.27 | Intraseasonal and Synoptic Variations of Radiation Budget Takmeng Wong, NASA/LARC, Hampton, VA; and G. L. Smith |
| | P1.28 | Effect of Atlantic SST anomalies on the NAO and associated circulation features in CCM3: Tropical vs. extratropical SST anomalies Gudrun Magnusdottir, University of California, Irvine, CA |
| | P1.29 | Observed high latitude temperature change in North America(Formerly paper 4.9) David R. Easterling, NOAA/NESDIS/NCDC, Asheville, NC; and B. Gleason, D. Wuertz, and R. Vose |
| | P1.30 | Influence of Arctic Oscillation on the East Asian summer monsoon (Formerly paper number 3.3) Jee-Hoon Jeong, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; and C. H. Ho and D. Y. Gong |