Arabian Sea during summer months provides an ideal natural location for the study of dust forcing. Studies (Li and Ramanathan, 2002; Ackerman and Cox, 1989) have revealed enhanced levels of aerosol optical depths during the Indian summer monsoon season attributable to dust. These dust particles influence the earth's radiation budget through both direct and indirect effects by means of influencing the cloud nucleation processes and the cloud microphysical properties. The present study represents a first attempt at quantifying the radiative forcing due to dust particles at both the surface and the top of the atmosphere. For the surface, we employ the measurements made at the Kaashidhoo Climate Observatory (KCO) established in the Republic of Maldives as part of the INDOEX campaign. For the top of atmosphere forcing, we use a combination of the AVHRR-retrieved aerosol optical depths and the flux measurements in the shortwave, longwave and window channels made by the CERES (Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System) instrument aboard the TRMM and TERRA satellites.
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