83rd Annual

Thursday, 13 February 2003: 3:45 PM
A Dynamic Visual Data Inspection Tool
Alfred M. Powell Jr., Boeing Autometric, Springfield, VA; and P. A. Zuzolo, S. Hoffert, G. Greene, M. Conte, and R. Kennedy
Poster PDF (382.0 kB)
A dynamic visual Data Inspection Tool called the DIT is presented. The DIT provides an effective method to visually analyze gridded, multidimensional data and exploit the information contained within the gridded fields. The DIT explores the multidimensional modeled or simulated data fields such as the gridded forecast weather. Modeled or simulated data is typically generated from large complex programs or numerical models that generate weather predictions or other similar analyses. The modeled data often has multiple parameters in the output field, like wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, etc. The Data Inspection Tool tackles how to understand the information contained in the gridded geospatially referenced output from these complex programs in order to make them useful to analysts.

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