Monthly-mean rainfall frequency model for central Chile Coast: Some Climatic Inferences
Nelson Saavedra, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile; and E. Müller and A. Foppiano
A simple empirical model giving the annual evolution of monthly-mean rainfall frequency for any location along the Chilean coast is proposed. Model hypotheses are discussed with reference to a climatic scenario, which has been found of value to develop simple empirical climatic models for coastal stations in Chile. Equations giving monthly-mean rainfall frequency for any latitude as a function only of the latitude of the location of maximum monthly-mean pressure in Chile (LMP) are found. It is concluded that the proposed model adequately describes observed annual evolutions. Moreover, the model allows qualitative inferences to be made regarding the interaction mechanisms between main meteorological centres of action on a regional scale, which may prove of value to identify trends of regional climatic change.
Poster Session 3, Regional Climate
Tuesday, 6 April 1999, 2:15 PM-4:00 PM
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