Sixth International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography

Poster Session 3

 Regional Climate
 P3.1Diagnostic studies of a mid-tropospheric African easterly jet in the southern hemisphere and implications for the understanding of African climate  
Jeremy Grist, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; and S. E. Nicholson
 P3.2Satellite-observed extratropical forcing of southern hemisphere and enhancement of monsoon systems over the Indian region  
Pramod Narayan Mahajan, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, Maharashtra, India
 P3.3Cloud radiative forcing over South America: Comparison of CPTEC/COLA AGCM output with SRB data  
Tatiana A. Tarasova, CPTEC/INPE, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Brazil; and I. F. A. Cavalcanti
 P3.4The Pan American Climate Studies Sounding Network (PACS-SONET) Recent history and planned improvements  
Michael W. Douglas, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK; and M. Peña
 P3.5Variability of river streamflows as a climatic indicator  
Walter M. Vargas, Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and D. Huggenberger
 P3.6The interannual Climate Variability and the Streamflows in Paraná river, Southeastern South America  
Marcela Alejandra Ghietto, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina; and G. J. Berri and N. O. García
 P3.7Relationship between water vapor sources and rainfall over southern South America.  
Moira E. Doyle, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and V. Barros
 P3.8RIME: an Antarctic field experiment for the 21st century  
David H. Bromwich, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; and T. R. Parish, J. J. Cassano, and K. M. Hines
 P3.9Comparison of screen and aspirated temperature data at Halley, Antarctica: Implications for Climate Change Studies  
Glenn Russell McGregor, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom; and S. Morley and J. C. King
 P3.10Meteorological surface conditions at Patriot Hills, Antarctica  
Jorge F. Carrasco, Dirección Meteorológica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
 P3.11Temperature Trends in Antarctica  
Gerd Wendler, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK
 P3.12Coastal climate dynamics of the Antofagasta region (Chile, 23S): The 1997–1998 DICLIMA experiment  
José A. Rutllant, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; and H. Fuenzalida, P. Aceituno, A. Montecinos, R. Sánchez, H. Salinas, J. Inzunza, and R. Zuleta
 P3.13Circulation variations of the atmosphere over Chile associated to rainfall anomalies  
Juan C. Inzunza, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile
 P3.14Interannual rainfall variability over the South American Altiplano  
Rene D. Garreaud, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile; and P. Aceituno
 P3.15Monthly-mean rainfall frequency model for central Chile Coast: Some Climatic Inferences  
Nelson Saavedra, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile; and E. Müller and A. Foppiano
 P3.16Recent glacier variations and snow line changes in central Chile  
Andrés Rivera, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; and G. Casassa, C. Acuña, and R. Vieira
 P3.17Energy balance snowmelt modeling in the Echaurren Basin, Chilean Andes  
Brad David Wolaver, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; and R. C. Bales, J. McConnell, K. Elder, and F. Escobar
 P3.18Circulation anomalies during winter wet and dry periods in Central Chile as determined by ECMWF analysis  
Bernhard Lopez, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; and P. Aceituno
 P3.19Cutoff cyclones off the subtropical coast of Chile  
Juan G. Pizarro, Dirección Meteorológica de Chile, Santiago, Chile; and A. Montecinos
 P3.20Stratiform Clouds on the North and Central Part of Chile  
Paola Uribe Raibaudi, Dirección Meteorológica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
 P3.21Large scale and mesoscale systems evolution during the first wet season campaign of LBA in Amazonia  
Maria A. F. Silva Dias, Universidade de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
 P3.22Surface radiation budget research for GCIP and LBA: Similarities and differences  
Rachel T. Pinker, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; and J. C. Ceballos, S. Colle, I. Laszlo, and E. B. Pereira
P3.23Convection in Amazonia during the TRMM-LBA  
Jian-Jian Wang, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Greenbelt, MD; and T. Rickenbach and J. Wang
 P3.24Hydrologic applications of high-resolution geoestationary satellite rainfall estimates corrected for terrain heights, wind and parallax - the LBA study  
Gilberto A. Vicente, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD
 P3.25Studies on rainfall variability during the TRMM-Brazil and WET AMC/LBA campaigns of Austral Summer 1999  
Jose A. Marengo, CPTEC/INPE, Cachoeira Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and G. Fisch, I. Vendrame, C. Morales, and P. Cervantes
 P3.26Characteristics and variability of the Atmospheric Water Balance of the Amazon Basin  
Jose A. Marengo, CPTEC/INPE, Cachoeira Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil
 P3.27Early Results From TRMM/LBA  
A. Rutledge, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO; and L. D. Carey, W. A. Petersen, M. Silva Dias, and E. J. Zipser
 P3.28Seasonal Climate Prediction for Amazonia  
Carlos A. Nobre, CPTEC/INPE, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Brazil; and H. Camargo, G. Sampaio, C. A. C. Castro, M. B. Sanches, and N. O. de Calbete
 P3.29An observational study of the sea breeze at the Brazilian launching rocket center  
Gilberto Fisch, Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil; and J. C. P. Cohen and G. V. Mota
 P3.30Large Scale Spatial-Temporal Structure of Low Frequency Variability in URUGUAY River Basin  
Carlos M. Krepper Sr., Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and N. O. García
 P3.31The Convection parameters Over The Uruguay are made  
Valentina A. Severova, Univ. of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
 P3.32Relation flow-precipitation in the Uruguay river basin  
Gabriel Emilio Silvestri, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and S. A. Bischoff
 P3.33Trends of maximum and minimum temperatures in Ecuador and Homogeneity evaluation during the 1961-90  
Ramon A. Quintana-Gomez, Universidad Nacional Experimental de los LLanos Ezequiel Zamora, Barinas, Venezuela
 P3.34On the change of the annual streamflow cycle of the Paraná River  
Inés A. Camilloni, Univ. of Buenos Aires, CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and M. E. Castañeda
 P3.35Water vapor and circulation: spatial and annual variations over Argentina  
Adriana E. Fernandez, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 P3.36Cloudiness climatology in north-central Argentina and its relation with the thermal field  
Rubén Bejarán, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and I. Camilloni
 P3.37Daily 500 hPa and 1000 hPa geopotential height fields and daily minimum and maximum temperatures in Argentina. Emphasis on the relationship with the Subtropical Pacific Ocean's oceanic phases  
Susana A. Bischoff, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and G. Del Franco
 P3.38A statistical analysis of tropopause height and temperature as observed at 3 Argentine radiosonde stations  
Pablo O Canziani, Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET, Capital Federal, Argentina; and S. A. Bischoff and A. E. Yuchechen
 P3.39Meteorological in SITU Observation in the Southern Ice Cap, Patagonia  
Jorge F. Carrasco, Dirección Meteorológica de Chile, Santiago, Chile; and G. Casassa and A. Rivera
 P3.40Cyclonicity and thermal conditions for precipitation occurrence over Argentina  
Nora E. Ruiz, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and W. M. Vargas
 P3.41Forecasting convection in the northern zone of the Mendoza's Province, Argentina  
Silvia Simonelli, Regional Program of Meteorology, Mendoza, Argentina; and F. Norte, M. Silva, and N. Heredia
 P3.42About the climate variability and the runoff in the Rio de La Plata Basin  
Norberto O. García, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina; and R. Giacosa
 P3.43Climate variability and groundwater resources..  
María del Valle Venencio, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina

Tuesday, 6 April 1999: 2:15 PM-4:00 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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