Sixth International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography


Relation flow-precipitation in the Uruguay river basin

Gabriel Emilio Silvestri, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and S. A. Bischoff

The climate variability is an area of study which has acquired importance in the last years. With the knowledge of that the information wich contain the flows offers a best synthesis of the climate variability that may get with the registers of temperature and precipitation, it's the object of this work to analyze the behaviour of the flows of Uruguay river and its relation with the precipitation in the basin with the purpose to know, in qualitative terms, the insidence of physical effects and its spatial variability. The hydrographic basin of Uruguay river occupies an area around 365000 km2 with an area of runoff which is extended over Brasil, Uruguay and in a less proportion over Argentina. It's the second river in importance inside Río de la Plata basin with a development of 1600 km. The period made to do this study is 1951-1980. The information available of flows and precipitation belongs to four stations of gauging and thirty one basin points, respectively. It was analized the ocurrence of deficits and excesses in precipitation and flows in annual and monthly terms in each sub-basin meeting the best predictors of precipitation about flows. The methodology used were tables of asociation. By other side the analysis of sequences of positive and negative anomalies in both variables allowed to meet its laws of probability of occurrence. Results showed homogeinity in the behaviour of precipitationin in each sub-basin though some different of the law that concern to the flows. The greater differences are manifested with the occurrence of deficit.

Poster Session 3, Regional Climate
Tuesday, 6 April 1999, 2:15 PM-4:00 PM

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