The Convection parameters Over The Uruguay are made
Valentina A. Severova, Univ. of Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
This study of atmospheric instability over the Uruguay analyses the different types of convection, the synoptic situation during the storm and hail events, and the behaviour of the convection parameters by analyzing the thermodynamic diagrams. For the thermal and free types of convection the eight parameters of instability are considerate by upper air reports: the accumulative deficit at the 850, 700 and 500 hpa heights, the difference between the maximum temperature and dew point temperature at the ground surface, the thickness of the convective instability level, the average level of the condensation and convection, the temperature at top of the convective cloud, the mean deviation of the temperature between the sound curve and ascending particle curve for every 100 hpa in the convective cloud, and the thickness of the convective cloud. For the forced type of convection the first three parameters are not calculated. Prognosis of the convective phenomena by these parameters are made.
Poster Session 3, Regional Climate
Tuesday, 6 April 1999, 2:15 PM-4:00 PM
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