P1.23 Wind energy assessment of Brazil by means of regional atmospheric model

Saturday, 3 April 1999
Gil Lizcano Sr., Brazilian Wind Energy Centre, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

es.Surface wind climate of Brazil have calculated using two different regional atmospheric model: ETA-40km and MM5 in order to elaborate a extended wind energy assessment of the country.

One year of daily output from ETA model, running operationally in CPTEC - Sao Paulo, have used to determine a first wind resource pattern. MM5 model was employed to simulate wind climate by cluster analysis, in both sense: covering the whole country, with 32 km, and to refine unresolved scales of the ETA model output, 10 km, with specially emphasizing in the Northeast region of Brazil, due to the high wind energy potential . MM5 model ran with physics parametrization according to a better boundary layer descriptions. Results from both model have compared with surface meteorological stations data. The predictions of the areas of higher wind power is fair and stations with low power are over predicted, with both model. We expected to uses all the information obtained to go in deep in the wind assessment of Brazil, in future releas

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