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Poster Session 4
Air-Sea Interactions, Teleconnections and Synoptic events
Wednesday, 7 April 1999: 2:15 PM-3:45 PM
Sixth International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography
Selected Aspects of Oceanic Influences on Climate Variability in South America
C. R. Mechoso, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Simultaneous relationships between SST anomalies in the southwestern subtropical Atlantic Ocean and precipitation in a basin in Uruguay
Alvaro Diaz, IMFIA–Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay
Polar outbreak in South America and the propagation of extratropical cyclones and anticyclones: a climatological point of view
Alexandre B. Pezza, University of São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and T. Ambrizzi
Tropical-extratropical interactions and effects on south america
Christopher Castro, CPTEC/INPE, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Brazil; and I. F. A. Cavalcante
Southern Hemisphere teleconnections in a climate simulation using the CPTEC/COLA GCM
Iracema F. A. Cavalcanti, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil; and M. T. Kayano
A West Pacific teleconnection pattern between Wilkes Land, Antarctica and the East Asian monsoon during August
Keith M. Hines, Byrd Polar Research Center/Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH; and D. H. Bromwich and L. Zhang
A Climatology and Compositing Study of Cold Surges in South America
Joseph J. Nocera, SUNY, Albany, NY; and L. F. Bosart and D. J. Knight
Cold surges in South America
Angel G. Cornejo, Peru National Agrarian University - Peru National Weather Service, Jesus Maria, Lima, Peru
Observational and modeling studies of Upper-air wave trains over the Pacific Ocean and wintertime polar outbreak in Southeastern Brazil
Tercio Ambrizzi, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and J. A. Marengo, G. N. Kiladis, and B. Liebmann
The Hadley Centre Atmospheric General Circulation Model (HadAM2b): An evaluation of the Southern Hemisphere synoptic pattern simulation
Mario N. Nunez, CONICET, Univ. of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and S. A. Solman and P. Rowntree
Synoptic system tracks associated to cold air incursions over Buenos Aires
Gustavo C. J. Escobar, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and R. H. Compagnucci Sr. and S. A. Bischoff
The synoptics of cold events in Melbourne and Perth, Australia
Tim Richter, Univ. of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic., Australia; and I. Simmonds
A high pressure system crossing westward the Andes Mountains
Norma E. Possia, Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmosfera–UBA/CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and S. B. Cerne
On air mass motion along a high slightly curved mountain ridge
Lev N. Gutman, Ben-Gurion University, Sede Boker Campus, Negev, Israel; and G. I. Burde and E. Morozovsky
Numerical Simulations of winter cyclone modifications by the Andes
Claudia M. Campetella, Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmosfera–UBA/CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and C. S. Vera
Evaluation of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction Eta model for Subtropical South America
Estela A. Collini, Servicio Meteologico de la Armada, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and E. H. Berbery
Resolution experiments with the Regional Eta Model for a frost event in South America
Jose R. Rozante, CPTEC/INPE, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Brazil; and S. C. Chou
Limited area model integrations over southern Africa:DARLAM
Effects of resolution, model formulation and topography representation in the South African Regional Eta model
Cindy L. Bruyere, South African Weather Bureau, Pretoria, South Africa; and W. Jordaan, E. Poolman, and H. A. Riphagen
Sensitivity Experiments with Betts-Miller Scheme Parameters in the Eta Model
Jorge L. Gomes, CPTEC/INPE, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Brazil; and S. C. Chou
Meridional Propagation of the Convection in South America
Luiz A. T. Machado, CTA/IAE/ACA, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil; and J. P. Duvel, H. Laurent, and J. R. Siqueira
An Initialization Procedure Combining Digital Filter and Nudging Techniques
Valdir Innocentini, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Brazil; and F. P. Harter
A high resolution regional model for operations
S. Bibiana Cerne, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and M. N. Nuñez
Spectral Transfer of Temperature-Humidity Correlation for Inhomogeneous Turbulence for Ocean-Atmosphere-Land-Interaction
Sukaran Ram Patel, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Campina Grande, Brazil
The severe precipitation event of April 1998 in North-East Patagonia
Oscar Andrés Frumento, Centro Nacional Patagónico–CONICET, Puerto Madryn, Argentina
High-Resolution Modelling of the Morning Glory
Robert A. Goler, Monash Univ., Clayton, Vic., Australia; and M. J. Reeder
April 1999 freeze event in central South America—A rare case
P. Satyamurty, CPTEC/INPE, Cacheira Paulista, SP, Brazil; and M. J. Bottino, M. C. M. Lourenço, L. G. Gonçalves, and J. F. Bustamante
Diurnal cycle over the South American Altiplano: comparison of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis with upper-air observations during the Visviri field experiment
Patricio Aceituno, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; and A. Montecinos
Analysis of daily mean synoptic situation in a late frosts period in Alto Valle of Río Negro, Argentina
Marisa Cogliati, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina; and N. Mazzeo
An analysis of the 2 July 1983 storm generating a tornado at Puerto Vilelas
Marcela Torres Brizuela, CONICET/UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina; and M. Nicolini
A Comparison Between Lightning Ground Flash Characteristics and Radar Data for the Thunderstorm of 29 December 1997 over the Bethlehem Area
Carien P. Theunissen, South African Weather Bureau, Pretoria, South Africa
A study of two satellite image gust front events over South Africa
Michael de Villiers, South African Weather Bureau, Pretoria, South Africa; and C. Rae
Downburst at Johannesburg Intranational Airport
Michael de Villiers, South African Weather Bureau, Pretoria, South Africa
Diagnosing Systematic Errors in the Eta Model forecasts over South America
Marcelo E. Seluchi, CPTEC/INPE, Cachoeria Paulista, SP, Brazil; and S. C. Chou
- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
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Sixth International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography
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