Author Index - The 16th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics (25-29 June 2007) (Santa Fe, NM)

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A. Lai, C.-C.16FLUID18.7
Aiki, H.16FLUID7.3
Aiyyer, A. R.16FLUIDP4.18
Albers, J.16FLUIDP3.9
Alexander, M.16FLUID18.4
Alexander, M. J.16FLUID13.5, 13.6
Alves, O.16FLUID18.6
Anderson, J.16FLUIDP4.11
Andrefouet, S.16FLUIDP4.5
Arbic, B. K.16FLUIDP1.16, 7.2, 5.5, 5.6
Back, L. E.16FLUID16.3
Bakas, N.16FLUID2.5
Bannon, P. R.16FLUIDP4.12
Bartello, P.16FLUIDP2.19
Bedard, A. J., Jr.16FLUIDP4.3
Bellon, G.16FLUID17.4, 16.3
Black, R. X.16FLUID10.6
Boos, W. R.16FLUID9.5A
Bordoni, S.16FLUID17.1, 17.2
Bowman, M. J.16FLUIDP1.12
Branstator, G.16FLUIDP3.3
Bretherton, C.16FLUID16.3
Brown, G. L.16FLUID13.3
Buhler, O.16FLUIDP1.10, 12.2
Bühler, O.16FLUID13.1
Camargo, S. J.16FLUIDP4.13
Cavallo, S. M.16FLUID1.6
Cessi, P.16FLUID4.4
Chan, C. J.16FLUIDP3.14
Chang, E. K. M.16FLUIDP2.6, P2.11, P2.13, 8.1
Chao, W. C.16FLUID17.5
Chen, G.16FLUID9.6, P3.13
Chen, M.16FLUID11.2
Colantuono, G.16FLUIDP1.9
Colucci, S. J.16FLUIDP2.10, 11.4
Cook, K. H.16FLUID17.3
Cordero, E.16FLUID11.5
Cronin, M. F.16FLUID3.5
Czaja, A.16FLUIDP1.8, P3.5, 1.5
Danabasoglu, G.16FLUID4.1
Dietrich, D. E.16FLUIDP1.6, P1.7, P1.12, 18.7
Dolaptchiev, S.16FLUIDP2.21
Dostoglou, S.16FLUID2.4
Dunkerton, T. J.16FLUID15.7
Emanuel, K.16FLUIDP4.13
Emanuel, K. A.16FLUID9.5A
Epifanio, C.16FLUIDP2.7
Esler, G.16FLUID6.1, 8.6
Eyink, G.16FLUID9.2
Farneti, R.16FLUID18.1, 18.2
Farrell, B.16FLUID8.5
Farrell, B. F.16FLUID2.5
Fedorovich, E.16FLUID6.5A
Feldstein, S. B.16FLUIDP2.14, P2.22
Feng, Z.16FLUID14.4
Ferrari, R.16FLUID3.1, 3.2
Fiedler, B.16FLUIDP2.1, P2.5
Flierl, G.16FLUID2.2
Flierl, G. R.16FLUIDP3.17
Fox-Kemper, B.16FLUID3.2
Frederiksen, J.16FLUID5.4
Frierson, D. M. W.16FLUIDP2.23, P3.12, 16.2, P4.16, P4.17
Fruman, M. D.16FLUID8.2
Fu, R.16FLUID11.2
Fuchs, Z.16FLUID15.4
Fyfe, J.16FLUID10.2
Galewsky, J.16FLUID6.3A
Garner, S. T.16FLUID15.2
Gauvin St-Denis, B.16FLUIDP1.11
Gerber, E. P.16FLUIDP2.23, 10.5, P3.8, P3.10
Gertz, A.16FLUID7.5
Griffiths, S. D.16FLUIDP1.15, 1.2
Grimsdell, A.16FLUID13.5, 13.6
Grimshaw, R. H. J.16FLUID1.2
Gritsun, A.16FLUID12.1, P3.3
Guo, Y.16FLUIDP2.6, P2.13
Haertel, P.16FLUID14.3, 14.4
Hagos, S. M.16FLUID17.3
Haine, T. W. N.16FLUID9.2
Hakim, G. J.16FLUID12.4A, 1.4, 1.6
Hardin, N. R.16FLUIDP4.18
Harlim, J.16FLUID12.3
Hasha, A. E.16FLUID13.1
Hatcher, B.16FLUIDP4.5
Haussman, U.16FLUID1.5
Hebert, D.16FLUID6.4
Hecht, M. W.16FLUIDP1.2
Held, I. M.16FLUID15.1, 9.6, P3.13, P4.16
Hendon, H. H.16FLUID18.6
Hodyss, D.16FLUIDP3.11
Holland, C. L.16FLUIDP1.16
Holm, D. D.16FLUIDP1.2
Hopsch, S.16FLUID17.6
Howe, N.16FLUID1.5
Hu, C.16FLUIDP4.5
Hua, B. L.16FLUID8.2
Hussain, A.16FLUID2.4
Ioannou, P. J.16FLUID8.5
Jablonowski, C.16FLUID11.6
Jan, S.16FLUIDP1.6
Jayne, S.16FLUIDP1.20
Jochum, M.16FLUIDP1.19, 3.5
Johnston, S.16FLUID4.6A
Kang, S. M.16FLUIDP4.16
Kasahara, A.16FLUID9.1
Kaspi, Y.16FLUIDP3.17
Kessler, W. S.16FLUID3.5
Khouider, B.16FLUIDP4.2
Kiladis, G. N.16FLUID14.3, 14.4
Klein, R.16FLUIDP2.21
Koch, S. E.16FLUID5.3
Korty, R.16FLUID9.3, P3.5
Krouse, K. D.16FLUIDP4.20
Kuang, Z.16FLUID14.2, 16.5
Kumjian, M.16FLUIDP2.1
Ledwell, J. R.16FLUID3.6
Lee, S.16FLUIDP2.14, P2.17, P2.22
Lee, Y.16FLUIDP2.7
Levine, X. J. A.16FLUIDP4.19
Li, X.16FLUIDP1.13
Li, Y.16FLUID14.5
Lilly, J. M.16FLUIDP2.2
Liu, J.16FLUID8.4
Lu, C.16FLUID5.3
Lu, J.16FLUID16.6
Lupo, A. R.16FLUID2.4
Magnusdottir, G.16FLUID1.1A
Mahadevan, A.16FLUID4.5
Mahajan, R. B.16FLUID12.4A
Majda, A.16FLUIDP4.2
Majda, A. J.16FLUID12.3, 14.1, P3.3
Mapes, B.16FLUID12.5
Marshall, J.16FLUID4.1, 2.1
McCreary, J. P., Jr.16FLUID18.4
McDaniel, B. A.16FLUID10.6
Mehra, A.16FLUIDP1.12, P1.17
Merlis, T. M.16FLUID5.7A
Monahan, A. H.16FLUID10.2
Montgomery, M. T.16FLUID2.3A
Moon, Y.16FLUID13.4
Morrow, R.16FLUID3.4
Mrowiec, A.16FLUID15.2
Muller, C. J.16FLUIDP1.10
Muller-Karger, F.16FLUIDP4.5
Muraki, D. J.16FLUIDP2.7
Nadeau, L.-P.16FLUIDP1.3
Nadiga, B.16FLUIDP1.18, 5.2
Nakamura, N.16FLUIDP2.24, 6.2, P3.15
Narayanan, C.16FLUIDP1.17
Nasuno, T.16FLUID12.5
Nathan, T.16FLUID11.5, P3.9, P3.11
Neale, R.16FLUIDP1.19
Newman, D.16FLUID7.4
Newman, M.16FLUIDP2.18, 11.3
Ngan, K.16FLUIDP2.19
Nicholls, M. E.16FLUIDP4.3
Nolan, D. S.16FLUID13.4, 16.4
O'Gorman, P. A.16FLUID9.4, P3.6
Olhede, S. C.16FLUIDP2.2
Ortland, D. A.16FLUID13.5, 13.6
Pauluis, O.16FLUID15.2, P3.5, 16.1
Peltier, W. R.16FLUIDP1.15
Persing, J.16FLUIDP4.3
Peters, M.16FLUID16.5
Petersen, M. R.16FLUIDP1.2
Pielke, R. A., Sr.16FLUIDP4.3
Plumb, R. A.16FLUID10.3, P3.14
Polvani, L.16FLUID11.1, 6.1, P3.8
Polvani, L. M.16FLUIDP2.23, 10.5, 8.7, P3.7, P4.20
Polzin, K. L.16FLUID5.5, 5.6
Poulin, F. J.16FLUID2.2
Powell, S. W.16FLUID16.4
Prasad, K. V. S. R.16FLUIDP1.4
Primeau, F.16FLUID7.4
Princevac, M.16FLUIDP1.13
Qiu, B.16FLUIDP1.16, P1.21
Rajasekhar, M.16FLUIDP1.4
Raymond, D. J.16FLUID15.3, 15.4
Reichler, T.16FLUID16.6
Richman, J.16FLUIDP1.12
Richter, Y.16FLUIDP1.19
Ring, D.16FLUID9.2
Ring, M. J.16FLUID10.3
Robinson, F. J.16FLUID14.5
Rudnick, D.16FLUID4.6A
Ryoo, J.-M.16FLUIDP4.6
Sallee, J.-B.16FLUID3.4
Sardeshmukh, P. D.16FLUID18.3, 11.3
Satoh, M.16FLUID12.5
Schecter, D. A.16FLUID2.3A, P4.3
Schneider, T.16FLUID9.3, 9.4, 17.1, 17.2, 8.4, P3.6, 5.7A, P4.19
Schopp, R.16FLUID8.2
Schubert, W.16FLUID15.6
Scott, R. B.16FLUIDP1.16, P1.21, 7.2, 5.5, 5.6
Scott, R. K.16FLUIDP2.2, 11.1
Sen, A.16FLUIDP1.16
Sessions, S. L.16FLUID15.3, 15.4
Shapiro, A.16FLUID6.5A
Sharp, Z.16FLUID6.3A
Shaw, T. A.16FLUIDP2.9
Shea, D.16FLUID3.5
Sheng, J.16FLUIDP4.5
Shepherd, T. G.16FLUIDP2.9
Sherwood, S.16FLUID14.5
Shi, L.16FLUID18.6
Shin, S.-I.16FLUID18.4
Smith, K. S.16FLUID2.1, 5.1
Smith, L. M.16FLUIDP2.16
Smolarkiewicz, P. K.16FLUID2.6
Sobel, A. H.16FLUID17.4, 16.3, P4.13, P4.20
Solomon, A.16FLUIDP2.24
Solomon, A. B.16FLUID18.4, P2.8
Son, S.-W.16FLUIDP2.14, P2.17, P2.22, 11.2, 8.7, P3.7
Speer, K.16FLUID3.4
Stan, C.16FLUID12.6
Stechmann, S. N.16FLUIDP4.2
Stjepan-Fuckar, N.16FLUID7.1
Stone, P. H.16FLUIDP2.8
Straub, D.16FLUIDP1.3, P1.11, P1.18, P2.19, 7.5
Straus, D. M.16FLUID12.6
Strong, C.16FLUID1.1A
Strong, M.16FLUID6.3A
Stuart, G. A.16FLUID6.4
Sukhatme, J.16FLUIDP2.16
Sundermeyer, M. A.16FLUID3.6, 6.4
Sura, P.16FLUID18.3, P2.18
Sutherland, B. R.16FLUID13.2, 13.3
Suzuki, I.16FLUID10.1
Takahashi, K.16FLUID
Tanaka, H. L.16FLUID10.1
Tandon, A.16FLUIDP1.1, 4.5
Ten Hoeve, J. E.16FLUIDP2.14, P2.22
Terray, E. A.16FLUID3.6
Thomas, L. N.16FLUID4.2, 4.5
Ting, M.16FLUID8.7
Tinkham, D. G.16FLUIDP1.1
Tribbia, J.16FLUIDP4.11
Tseng, Y.-H.16FLUIDP1.6, P1.7, P1.12, 18.7
Tulich, S. N.16FLUID14.3
Tulloch, R.16FLUID5.1
Vallis, G. K.16FLUID18.1, 18.2, 7.1, P3.10
Vecchi, G. A.16FLUID16.6
Voronin, S.16FLUID10.5
Waite, M. L.16FLUID2.6
Walker, C.16FLUID16.5
Wang, G.16FLUID18.6
Wang, L.16FLUIDP4.5
Waterman, S.16FLUIDP1.20
Waugh, D.16FLUIDP4.6
Waugh, D. W.16FLUIDP3.8
Weijer, W.16FLUIDP1.9, 1.3
Williams, I. N.16FLUIDP2.10
Williams, P. D.16FLUID9.2
Wingate, B. A.16FLUIDP1.2
Wirth, V.16FLUID15.7
Wright, J.16FLUID11.2
Xu, Y.16FLUID7.2
Yamagata, T.16FLUID7.3
Yang, B.16FLUIDP4.5
Yang, X.16FLUIDP2.11
Yang, Y.16FLUIDP1.6
Yau, P. M. K.16FLUIDP1.7
Zagar, N.16FLUIDP4.11
Zhang, C.16FLUID16.4
Zhang, Y.16FLUIDP2.8
Zhao, M.16FLUID15.1
Zhu, D.16FLUIDP3.15
Zidikheri, M. J.16FLUID5.4
Zimmerman, N.16FLUIDP1.13
Zurita-Gotor, P.16FLUID8.1, 8.3, P3.1