Wednesday, 16 October 2013: 2:30 PM
Meeting Room 1 (Holiday Inn University Plaza)
In 2010 the Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) developed a vision for a managing smoke research under a formal Smoke Science Plan. This plan was devised through personal interviews and an extensive web-based needs investigation between scientists and managers using on-line questionnaires. The Smoke Science Plan is structured under four themes, distinct but complementary investigative areas which will further both smoke science and management practice. The themes are: 1) Emissions Inventory Research, 2) Smoke and Fire Model Validation, 3) Smoke and Populations, and, 4) Climate Change and Smoke. Now that the Smoke Science Plan has been implemented for approximately three years, what progress has resulted under each theme? Has there been complementary progress between the research themes? In this paper we will discuss these questions, outline how Joint Fire Science Program solicitations have influenced progress in each of the SSP themes, elaborate research progress for the JFSP smoke line of work, and describe the state of smoke science investments we have made. We will also discuss the communications plan developed to further understanding and use of the science products developed under the smoke line of work. Finally, we will begin a preliminary discussion of what science needs or gaps' the Joint Fire Science Program should address after the current Smoke Science Plan expires in 2016.