Wednesday, 16 October 2013: 2:50 PM
Meeting Room 1 (Holiday Inn University Plaza)
As part of the Joint Fire Science Smoke Science (JFSP) Plan, a workshop has been organized for late summer 2013 to address one of the plan's themes of smoke model validation. This workshop is purposed to develop a consensus approach to undertake smoke model validation through field measurements. It builds upon needs described in the JFSP Smoke Science Plan in the JFSP Models and Measurements Workshop, and lessons learned from the Rx Cadre field experiments. While smoke is a component of the Rx Cadre experiments, it is not sufficiently addressed to substantially advance smoke modeling and prediction, or to create an authoritative smoke measurement and modeling database. To do this, a select group of smoke, fuels and fire behavior scientists have been invited into a workshop forum to both formalize the research elements and strategies needed to advance smoke modeling, and to design and plan a field campaign that can significantly advance our understanding of smoke. This presentation will discuss the workshop, and plans for a field campaign aimed at improving smoke modeling and prediction.