|  | P2.4 | Graphically depicting the hazardous weather in southern middle Tennessee and north Alabama Brian C. Carcione, NOAA, Huntsville, AL; and C. P. Darden, T. W. Troutman, J. E. Burks, and J. T. Bradshaw |
| | P2.5 | Severe Local Storm Warnings: Challenges from the 04 March 2004 Event Gregory R. Patrick, NOAA/NWS, Fort Worth, TX; and G. Woodall |
| | P2.6 | The role of litigation in the discovery of a probable undocumented F1 tornado in Munster, Indiana (27 June 1995) Walter A. Lyons, FMA Research Inc., Fort Collins, MN |
| | P2.7 | Nonmeteorological factors in warning verification Sarah Marie Davis, CIMMS/Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and J. LaDue |
| | P2.8 | Overview of the ISNet data set and conclusions and recommendations from a March 2004 workshop to review ISNet data Alfred J. Bedard Jr., ETL, Boulder, CO; and B. W. Bartram, B. Entwistle, J. Golden, S. Hodanish, R. M. Jones, R. T. Nishiyama, A. N. Keane, L. Mooney, M. Nicholls, E. J. Szoke, E. Thaler, and D. C. Welsh |
| | P2.9 | Infrasonic atmospheric propagation studies using a 3-D ray trace model R. Michael Jones, CIRES/Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO; and E. S. Gu and A. J. Bedard |
| | P2.10 | Building damage issues in tornadoes Timothy P. Marshall, Haag Engineering Co., Carrollton, TX |