Handout (2.4 MB)
One particular challenge in the process of turbulence forecasting is using numerical models to represent different atmospheric processes responsible for near-surface turbulence, such as strong low level winds, convective air parcels, and trapped lee waves. It is also preferable to expedite information to forecasters as quickly and efficiently as possible without providing too much information. In particular, the complexities of trapped lee wave forecasting have been addressed through tutorials available to forecasters online, but these tutorials can be time consuming, do not take into consideration every region where conditions favor trapped lee waves, and do not always take into account the geographical extent of turbulence potential caused by the propagating wave. Charts which comprehensively display the potential for the development and propagation of trapped lee waves have been developed to ease the forecast process.
In addition to addressing the challenges posed by the physical processes of turbulence, recent emphasis has been placed upon probabilistic and ensemble forecasting methods. Considerable progress has been made within the 16WS to develop a variety of atmospheric products using probabilistic output from ensemble forecasts. Adding a near-surface turbulence product to the suite of ensemble products has been a high priority. The developmental process of probabilistic near-surface turbulence algorithms, as well as verification methodology and statistics, will be presented.