The objective guidance products for assisting forecasters in the formulation of significant convection forecast for the next 12 hours with a focus of the first 6 hours in support of the air traffic flow management are generated from numerical model outputs. Forecasters will adjust the model-based forecast product based on radar and satellite imageries for the first few hours if necessary. Noting that the forecasting skills of the objective guidance for the forecast range of 2-4 hours during which radar-based nowcasting skill normally drops significantly, with a view to alleviating this problem, additional forecast guidance was developed by applying optical flow nowcasting technique to satellite deep convection product.
This paper describes the satellite-based significant convection nowcasting system on trial in HKO. Preliminary verification results using September 2010 data showed that the performance score for 2-3 hour forecast was on a par with the first hour forecast of radar-based nowcasting system with a threat score of about 0.3.