Session 17A | |||
Chair: Anna Rutgersson, Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden | |||
10:30 AM | 17A.1 | Subgrid-scale dynamics of water vapor, heat, and momentum over a lake Nikki Vercauteren, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland; and E. Bou-Zeid, M. B. Parlange, U. Lemmin, C. Meneveau, H. Huwald, and J. Selker | |
10:45 AM | 17A.2 | On the wave induced wind in the marine atmospheric boundary layer ![]() Alvaro Semedo, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; and Ø. Sætra and A. Rutgersson | |
11:00 AM | 17A.3 | Statistical signature of the surface waves in the wind over the ocean ![]() Tihomir Hristov, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD | |
11:15 AM | 17A.4 | Large Eddy Simulation of Roll Convection during a strong Cold Air Outbreak Micha Gryschka, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany; and D. Etling and S. Raasch | |
11:30 AM | 17A.5 | A radar characterization of the tradewind boundary layer ![]() Jennifer L. Davison, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL | |
11:45 AM | 17A.6 | The marine boundary layer: impacts and modifications on a severe, deep convective system Thomas E. Workoff, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL; and D. A. R. Kristovich | |
12:00 PM | 17A.7 | Cospectral similarity of pressure terms in the budgets of TKE and horizontal heat flux in the atmospheric surface layer James M. Wilczak, NOAA, Boulder, CO; and J. B. Edson, J. Hojstrup, J. E. Hare, L. Mahrt, and R. Hill |
Friday, 13 June 2008: 10:30 AM-12:15 PM, Aula Magna Vänster
* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting