Soil moisture is the key variable for the partitioning of rainfall into infiltration and runoff, thus playing a fundamental role in runoff modelling and flood forecasting. This study evaluates the NWM soil moisture simulations with in situ and satellite SM observations in conjunction with precipitation information from rain gauges and ground radars. We are interested in the rainfall impact on soil moisture field variability and contributions toward understanding the impact of the rainfall as a forcing to the soil moisture field. We’ll examine the time response and rate of soil drying after significant rainfall events from in situ, satellite, and modeled soil moistures. Correlation analysis to quantify the spatial correlation between NWM SM simulations (which uses precipitation as a forcing input) and satellite SM retrievals (which does not use precipitation information) with precipitation data from rain gauges and ground radars such as Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS, Zhang et al., 2016) will also be investigated.