In contrast to the operational GEFS (v11), GEFS v12 will be significantly changed in the following ways: 1). The dynamic core will be switched from spectral to Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere (FV3) representation; 2). Model horizontal resolution will be increased from 34 km (0-8 days), and 55 km (8-16 days) to 25 km (0-16 days); 3). GFDL microphysics scheme will replace the currently-operational Zhao-Carr scheme; 4). Forecast leength will be extended from 16 to 35 days to cover subseasonal prediction. In addition, scientific enhancements include new stochastic schemes (SKEB, SPPT and SHUM – replacing STTP), a so-called 2-tiered representation of SSTs, and a scale-aware convection parameterization, all of which enhance prediction skills in the weeks 3&4 time period. The GEFS v12 implementation package includes a 20-year reanalysis and 30-year reforecast to calibrate the ensemble forecast, a summary of which will be submitted in a separate abstract.
GEFS v13 is under development, with a particular focus on three areas: 1). A fully coupled atmosphere-land-ocean-ice-wave-aerosol system that will support weather, week-2 and subseasonal forecast; 2). Process based stochastic parameterization that will help improve forecast uncertainties including near-surface; 3). Advanced model physics, which includes an updated convection scheme, that will enhance the prediction of tropical convection and MJO propagation.