8.6 Preliminary Analysis for the East Asia Region Reanalysis (EARR) in 2015

Thursday, 10 January 2019: 4:45 PM
North 128AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Jianjun Xu, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, China; and Y. Zhang and Q. Huang

In order to fill the blank of high-resolution regional atmospheric reanalysis in China, a program on East Asia Region Reanalysis (EARR) has been conducted since 2016. Based on one-year preliminary experiment in 2015, the performance of EARR is evaluated in comparison with Meteorology Information Comprehensive Analysis Process System (MICAPS) surface observation data (more station data than the Global Observation System data near surface). The results show that the sea level pressure has the best performance (with 98% correlation), followed by 2-meter temperature (97%), 2-meter relative humidity (76%) and 10-meter wind speed (61%). The EARR is colder and wetter than observation near the surface. In additions, 10-meter wind speeds are larger than observation. Further evolutions are under way.
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