495 Integrating Elements of the School of Ice into the AMS Climate Studies: A Case Study

Tuesday, 8 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Noriyuki Sato, California State Univ., Chico, Chico, CA

In Fall 2017, Climatology course at California State University, Chico, a minority-serving institution (MSI), implemented the AMS Climate Studies course package as part of the AMS Climate Studies Diversity Project. In Fall 2018, it further strengthened the paleo-climatic topic of the course and enhanced students' learning by incorporating elements from the School of Ice workshop of the U.S. Ice Drilling Program Office (IDPO). This presentation focuses on two areas regarding how the School of Ice workshop positively influenced pedagogical developments of the course. First, it measures the instructor's intellectual development on the paleo-climatic topic through the School of Ice workshop and discusses his deliberation of the topic in the course. Second, it examines students' performance using pre- and post-tests that measure their understanding of the paleo-climatic topic with exercises created by the instructor through his participation in the School of Ice workshop. For the latter, this presentation also shows examples of additional resources that were incorporated into the AMS Climate Studies course package.
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