The purpose of this study is to examine demographic vulnerability to tornadoes by relating census tract-level demographic data to National Weather Service tornado damage assessments (i.e., tornado paths) and fatality locations with the ultimate goal of providing tornado vulnerability maps to emergency managers. To determine which demographic variables might be most related to fatalities, a linear regression model was used to analyze demographic data for 156 census tracts that intersected with the surveyed paths of 13 killer tornadoes responsible for 127 fatalities. Using the top variables determined by the model (e.g., population density, poverty density, mobile home density, etc.), census tract-level tornado vulnerability maps were produced based on spatial area impacted by the tornado and the number of fatalities predicted by a linear model. Land-use land-cover was also considered to quantify the amount of developed space impacted by each tornado and relate that to vulnerability and fatalities. The lead author will discuss key findings of this ongoing study.