13A.4 Improving NOAA’s Transition of Research and Development through Policy, Programming, and Performance Management Tools

Thursday, 10 January 2019: 11:15 AM
North 230 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Ian R Kroll, NOAA, Silver Spring, MD; and L. A. Newcomb, C. Moses, and G. C. Matlock

Efficient transition of research and development (R&D) to application, operation, commercialization, and other uses (R2X) showcases the accountability, utility, and stewardship of NOAA to the public. As such, transition of government-funded R&D has become an increasingly important priority for NOAA leadership, the Department of Commerce (DoC), and several other government agencies (e.g., NASA, Department of Energy). Since 2014, strategic policies, program management, and support materials have been used to increase the understanding of transition and streamline the overall transition process. Following the release of NOAA-wide transition definitions and descriptions, proper identification of transitioned R&D increased from 39% to 71% within the agency. The implementation of a novel NOAA R&D Database (NRDD), coupled with an agency-wide policy which outlines a formal transition planning process, has begun to increase our ability to track, manage, and transition projects to both internal and external partners. NRDD data has also been used to monitor transition rates (number of transitions per year) and identify how targeted resources at early to mid-Readiness Levels (RL 3-6) may increase the overall number of transitions more efficiently than increasing resources at higher RLs (RL 7-8). Novel programs within OAR have attempted to capitalize on this concept by funding projects within targeted RL ranges (e.g., RL 4-7) and/or with specific R2X capabilities. While these programs have both demonstrated the promise of success, they are in their infancy. Future monitoring of transitions (via the NRDD) will provide key insights into the continued success of these programs and policies.
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