Monday, 7 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
GINA continues cooperative research with NOAA GSD on improving a high-resolution rapid-refresh WRF model for Alaska (HRRRAK). Current focus is on HRRRAK model validation, parameter optimization, and data assimilation to improve the quality of the model short-term forecast. In previous research (1), VIIRS wind data appended to conventional data were assimilated into a standard WRF model. A month of simulation results were evaluated in terms of RMSEs between forecasts and observations. Comparison of assimilations of conventional data and conventional plus VIIRS satellite wind data shows very similar results. This presentation will show how the assimilation of VIIRS wind data impacts a standard WRF short-term forecast. A case study will show the impact of VIIRS wind data assimilation on the HRRRAK-like short-term forecast. MET tools are used in the research work.
1. Jiang Zhu, Don. Morton, and E. Stevens, Assimilation of Polar Winds Data in a GINA-WRF model, 2018, 22nd Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans and Land Surface, Jan. 7-11, Austin, TX