Water budget in the semi-Lagrangian framework shows that as the low-level large-scale moisture was increased (decreased) by 10%, the total condensation and deposition were increased (decreased) by 10% (30–40 %). Horizontal convergence of moisture flux was significantly enhanced within the MCSs to generate precipitation, and evaporation was more pronounced over the region of weak convection. Similar results are found in an Eulerian framework. For the monsoon MCSs with radar reflectivity of greater than 35 dBZ, the calculated large-scale PE was 20–25% and the microphysical PE was 35–40%, both of which were less than those for the principal rainband of Typhoon Morakot (2009) producing the peak rainfall amount near 3000 m in 4 days. Microphysical ratios are also calculated in the semi-Lagrangian framework. Condensation ratio remained a peak value of 60% during the MCS’s mature stage and then decreased to approximately 30% at the decaying stage. Deposition ratio was increased from 10% to 30% and evaporation ratio was increased from 20% to 30%, when the MCS evolved from the mature to the decaying stage. Finally, the surface precipitation was highly sensitive to the large-scale moisture change. In particular, 10% decrease of low-level (below 700 hPa) relative humidity could result in 10–20% decrease of moisture flux and 10–40% reduction of surface precipitation. These results highlight the importance of amount and spatial distribution of low-level environmental moisture to the extreme rainfall event.