This presentation summarizes the foundational training completed and now available to NOAA/NWS scientists and throughout the user community, identifying lessons learned and best practices. Ongoing efforts to make the training “stick” are detailed, along with ways we are sharing important findings and case studies across NOAA/NWS. Trends identified in the research and testbed communities, such as development of multi-platform/data fusion applications, will have implications for future training efforts.
There are several groups responsible for developing, delivering, and updating satellite training, including the NWS Office of the Chief Learning Officer (primarily the Warning Decision Training Division and the Forecast Decision Training Division), NESDIS, the Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT), the satellite liaisons at NOAA’s cooperative institutes (CIRA, CIMSS, CIMMS, CICS), NASA SPoRT and UCAR’s Cooperative Program for Meteorology Education and Training (COMET).