Wednesday, 9 January 2019: 9:15 AM
North 128AB (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
Seamless modeling and prediction, across a range of timescales, has been at the heart of Environment and Climate Change Canada's strategy for weather and climate prediction. In this presentation, recent progress and plans will be discussed on both global and very local scales. We begin with the description and evaluation of three new operational and experimental systems: (i) the global coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean operational prediction system, (ii) the Arctic coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean experimental prediction system deployed for the Year of Polar Prediction, and (iii) the sub-kilometer atmosphere-urban prediction systems showcased during the Toronto 2015 Pan American Games and 2018 G7 summit. Preliminary results of forecast systems tailored to improve Canada's marine drift prediction capacity are presented and a plan forward is described. Finally, we briefly introduce a new flood prediction initiative.