Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Hall 4 (Phoenix Convention Center - West and North Buildings)
The Multi-Radar/Multi Sensor (MRMS) system ingests multiple datastreams, including radar data, surface observations, and HRRR model output in order to produce a national radar mosaic, which is in turn used to produce a variety of value-added products. This paper describes four products specific to hydrometeor classification that are currently in development for inclusion in MRMS to support aviation operations. The first, the spectral bin classifier, provides an analysis of surface precipitation type (rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain, and mixed precipitation) across the CONUS. The second, a cloud-top temperature product, provides the temperature at the top of radar-indicated precipitation within the MRMS domain. The third product separates light precipitation echoes from ground clutter that at times can be filtered out by current quality control algorithms, which is especially problematic during shallow freezing drizzle events. Finally, the WSR-88D hydrometeor classification algorithm (HCA) is being implemented as a mosaicked product, instead of being limited to a radar-by-radar paradigm as is the case for the current operational configuration of the WSR-88D HCA.